Monday, 21 August 2017

Forex Holy Grail Strategy Map

Eu sou um comerciante de forex, investidor e desenvolvedor de software. Muitos anos atrás, encontrei uma maneira lucrativa de ganhar dinheiro com o conforto da minha casa. Fui apresentado ao maior mercado financeiro do mundo Forex. E, como muitos outros comerciantes novatos, perdi meu dinheiro várias vezes antes de começar a verificar consistência em meus lucros. Eu aprendi tantas estratégias, então eu não posso dizer quantos, mas havia realmente muitos deles. Ultimamente, criei um conjunto confiável e lucrativo de métodos de negociação para negociar Forex, que agora coloquei em código e convertido em um sistema de negociação fácil de usar que funciona em todas as condições do mercado e com qualquer instrumento de negociação. Meus métodos comerciais são baseados em conhecimentos únicos, onde o mercado é representado pelas leis do mercado natural. Recebi minha inspiração de comerciantes famosos e cientistas como William Gann, Ralph Elliott, Richard Wyckoff e outros que fizeram um grande contributo para a criação de uma compreensão nova e única do comportamento do mercado. As obras e as teorias dessas pessoas me ajudaram a encontrar minha própria abordagem comercial e a compreensão do mercado. E agora eu quero compartilhar meu conhecimento e software comercial com você. Se você está lendo esta página, significa que você estava procurando uma estratégia de forex rentável, para um sistema de forex preciso para ganhar a vida a partir do conforto de sua casa. Por sorte, eu tenho uma solução para você. O que é o comércio do Santo Graal para você Toda pessoa pode ter sua própria compreensão sobre o assunto, mas estou certo de que haverá uma coisa comum em todas as respostas. Os comerciantes procuram uma estratégia confiável que cresça suas contas de forma consistente. Acredite em mim, com o meu sistema você pode fazer exatamente isso. Você pode expandir sua conta facilmente, como nunca pensou ser possível antes. Não estou dizendo que meu sistema lhe dará uma taxa de 100 vitórias. Você sabe que há tantas coisas que influenciam o comportamento do mercado, então você simplesmente não consegue prever todos os movimentos dos mercados. Algumas estratégias são boas no mercado de tendências, algumas são boas para o mercado variável. Mas você não pode ser verdadeiramente bem sucedido na negociação se sua estratégia não funcionar em todas as condições do mercado. Mas se sua estratégia é capaz de lidar tanto com o mercado de tendências quanto de tendências, seus resultados serão diferentes a seu favor. Seja o que for que você pensa, o dinheiro real é feito apenas quando o mercado se move, ou seja, quando há tendência. Meu sistema de negociação irá ajudá-lo a evitar a maioria dos falsos sinais causados ​​por condições de mercado fixas, e isso lhe dá uma grande vantagem como comerciante. Você será capaz de se mudar com o mercado sem medo de ser atacado. Meus métodos comerciais são projetados para funcionar em qualquer condição de mercado. Não importa quantos indicadores você está usando na sua negociação. Não importa se você é um orgulhoso proprietário de centenas de indicadores de divisas. Todos são inúteis até que você os faça trabalhar para você. O único que importa é se seus indicadores realmente podem mostrar uma imagem real do mercado. Você sabe melhor do que eu, a maioria de todas as estratégias forex que estão sendo vendidas online são inúteis. E as estratégias que funcionam não são fáceis de implementar na maioria dos casos. Projetando minhas ferramentas de negociação, eu queria que elas fossem usadas e compreendidas por todos os comerciantes, seja eles novatos ou profissionais. Eu converti teorias complexas em métodos de negociação simples de usar que podem ser aplicados com sucesso por pessoas, mesmo sem experiência comercial. Eu dividi todas as minhas ferramentas em vários módulos que representam partes de todo o sistema Forex Holy Grail. Cada módulo pode ser usado separadamente ou em conjunto com outros módulos do sistema. Eu projetei todos os módulos com a capacidade de formar combinações de indicadores diferentes, de modo que mesmo um comerciante profissional terá a liberdade de implementar minhas ferramentas na sua própria maneira de negociar. E um dos meus módulos de sistemas que eu vou compartilhar com você primeiro é o indicador que eu chamo de Golden Eagle. Este indicador poderoso é um dos componentes dos sistemas que desempenha o seu papel exclusivo e importante no trabalho de análise de mercado. Você aprenderá mais sobre esta ferramenta nesta página abaixo. O que é o segredo por trás da águia dourada O meu método vencedor colocado no código de indicadores é uma estratégia de negociação que foi projetada para prever a verdadeira direção de um instrumento financeiro. Pode ser aplicado a todos os instrumentos financeiros. Meu indicador irá ajudá-lo a permanecer no lado seguro do mercado em qualquer sessão de negociação, a qualquer hora do dia. Não há exagero nas minhas palavras. Esta é uma ferramenta de negociação muito poderosa e confiável. Como já falei anteriormente, eu tenho negociado há anos e aprendi muitas estratégias e teorias forex. O mais emocionante e inspirador para mim foi aprender e aplicar técnicas de negociação por um bem conhecido comerciante e matemático do passado Sr. W. D. Gann. William D. Gann (1878-1955) foi um comerciante lendário que desenvolveu várias ferramentas únicas para a análise dos movimentos de preços. Ele criou uma combinação única e muito complexa de princípios matemáticos e geométricos de análise. Meu indicador é baseado em um dos métodos W. D. Ganns para o eixo do tempo. Usa pontos de reversão do mercado passado e aplica a fórmula matemática para o método e depois faz projeções para o futuro. Uma data e hora em que a linha de projeções futuras é chamada de cluster de tempo. Esses intervalos de tempo são calculados pelo indicador. Um cluster de tempo resultará em um ponto de reversão do mercado se formando após o sinal. Embora o método em si seja bastante poderoso, eu decidi ir mais longe e adicionei níveis de suporte e resistência baseados em W. D. Gann para que os indicadores sinalizassem tão precisos como possibe. Eu acredito que a combinação destes dois métodos precisos de previsão de preços pode fornecer resultados muito melhores quando aplicados juntos. Há algum tempo eu fiz uma atualização para esta versão do indicador. O algoritmo foi melhorado e agora permite usar o indicador com qualquer par e qualquer período de tempo. Você pode usá-lo para scalping, day trading e longo prazo. Basta olhar as capturas de tela que fiz com o Golden Eagle. Este é o mesmo indicador Golden Eagle que você viu no vídeo acima, mas com algumas melhorias. Agora, o indicador também fornece sinais de reentrada e, ao invés de setas, eleva estrelas vermelhas e verdes nos gráficos. Estas são capturas de tela recentes abaixo que representam diferentes intervalos de tempo e pares comerciais. É TÃO FÁCIL DE FAZER PIPOS COM O EAGLE DOURADO A capacidade de gerar sinais de reentrada torna a negociação mais fácil e mais conveniente. Caso você perca um sinal, você terá a oportunidade de montá-lo algum tempo depois, quando apropriado, e o indicador irá dizer quando o momento certo para a reentrada é. Na maioria dos casos, o preço retornará ao ponto de entrada pelo menos uma vez, o que faz com que esses sinais de reentrada sejam de grande importância e sejam úteis. Você não precisa se sentar o dia todo antes de seus gráficos, pois você sempre terá tempo para entrar no comércio com os sinais de reentrada no caso de você perder o sinal principal gerado pelo indicador. O indicador também possui um recém-incorporado recurso incorporado que lhe dá a oportunidade de adicionar suas posições de negociação. Este recurso está incluído para os comerciantes que preferem tirar o máximo possível de lucro do mercado. Os métodos W. D. Ganns são perfeitos para projetar o melhor sistema de negociação forex, mas minha experiência comercial me disse para adicionar ao sistema indicadores como RSI e Moving Average. Como você sabe, o indicador RSI calcula a força atual da moeda e o indicador da Média Mover mostra a direção da tendência ou dos preços e, ao mesmo tempo, serve como suporte e resistência. Ao adicionar esses dois indicadores com certos parâmetros otimizados ao meu sistema comercial, permitiu que os sinais do meu indicador fossem ainda mais precisos e poderosos. Na verdade, consegui projetar a ferramenta de negociação de previsão mais precisa que já usei na minha carreira comercial. Este é um verdadeiro Santo Graal Forex para mim, pois pode ser usado de várias maneiras. Você pode usá-lo para o dia, comércio de médio prazo, comércio de longo prazo e até mesmo scalping também. Seja qual for o estilo de negociação que você prefere, você achará essa ferramenta útil e lucrativa. Meu indicador remove todas as provações das decisões comerciais. Isso ajuda a manter as emoções calmas e trocar mecanicamente. Não é necessário ajustar as configurações, não é necessário otimizar qualquer coisa no indicador. Tudo o que você precisa fazer é abrir um gráfico do MetaTrader 4 e, em seguida, carregar o indicador. É isso, você está pronto para negociar. Uma vez que existe uma possível oportunidade comercial, você será notificado pelo alarme sonoro. Você também pode escolher receber alerta de mensagem e notificação por e-mail. Este indicador será uma boa ferramenta para começar com os comerciantes novatos e uma boa ferramenta para comerciantes experientes, que o usará como parte de todo o sistema comercial que eu forneço. Como você já sabe, meu sistema comercial é, na verdade, mais de um indicador. O TRUE POWER está na fusão das ferramentas. O Golden Eagle é apenas um dos vários módulos de software utilizados em todo o meu sistema Forex Holy Grail. Ao comprar meu sistema Forex Holy Grail, você receberá todos os módulos de negociação do meu sistema que uso. O próximo módulo de sistema de negociação que quero apresentar a você é um pedaço único de software chamado The Universal Trader. O Universal Trader é um sistema de negociação verdadeiramente universal que pode ser usado com qualquer instrumento financeiro e em qualquer período de tempo. Você pode trocar moedas, metais, ações, índices, qualquer coisa que possa ser exibida no gráfico. O sistema emprega uma abordagem profissional para negociação e pode ser usado por comerciantes com qualquer nível de experiência comercial. Não importa se você é um comerciante novato ou um comerciante profissional, o Universal Trader será uma grande ajuda para você no comércio diário. Este módulo de complemento é baseado em teoria de comércio universal de som clássico e análise de spread de volume. Sobre análise de spread de volume Análise de spread de volume ou simplesmente A VSA é uma metodologia comprovada de análise de mercados financeiros. Desenvolvido inicialmente por Richard D. Wyckoff, um dos mais bem sucedidos comerciantes de Wall Street de todos os tempos, nos anos 1900, e aperfeiçoado por Tom Williams, durante o período em que ele era um comerciante de sindicatos por 15 anos com sede em Londres nos anos 1960-1970. Outros comerciantes muito bem sucedidos de Wall Street, como William ONeill, também o usam. Baseia-se na oferta e na demanda, que rege qualquer mercado, e não qualquer outra coisa: sem indicadores técnicos, sem padrões de preços, apenas preço puro e ação de volume. Qualquer negócio onde haja dinheiro a ser feito, existem profissionais: a Arte tem comerciantes profissionais, o poker tem jogadores profissionais, as apostas têm melhorias profissionais e também os mercados financeiros têm comerciantes profissionais. Ser bem sucedido nos mercados é seguir os passos dos tubarões deste jogo: operadores de mercado, comerciantes de fossa, fabricantes de mercado, comerciantes de sindicatos e comerciantes profissionais de topo. O objetivo da VSA é mostrar o que os profissionais estão fazendo, analisando os movimentos e os volumes de preços, e lucrar com esse conhecimento. A VSA pode ser usada em todos os mercados e com prazos diferentes, o comerciante só precisa de um histograma de volume em seus gráficos de preços. Em alguns mercados como o mercado de ações ou o mercado de futuros, os volumes de transações reais estão disponíveis, ainda em outros mercados - como o forex que não está centralizado - os números de volume reais não estão disponíveis. No entanto, isso não significa que um comerciante não possa analisar os volumes do mercado cambial, ele deve simplesmente analisar o volume observado em cada marca. O volume Forex pode ser representado pela quantidade de atividade observada em cada barra ou candelabro. É preciso ter em mente que os grandes comerciantes profissionais estão fortemente envolvidos se houver muita atividade em um castiçal. Por outro lado, um baixo nível de atividade significa que comerciantes profissionais se abstenham do movimento. Cada cenário pode ter implicações no equilíbrio da oferta e da demanda, ajudando assim o comerciante a identificar uma direção provável do mercado no curto a médio prazo. A VSA procura diferenças entre a oferta e a demanda que são criadas principalmente pelos principais players de divisas: comerciantes profissionais, instituições, bancos e criadores de mercado. As transações desses comerciantes profissionais são claramente visíveis em um gráfico, assumindo que você é um comerciante de forex que sabe como lê-los. Meu software lê automaticamente os gráficos e analisa o preço por meio da análise da VSA. Mesmo que você não saiba nada sobre o VSA, você pode negociar com sucesso com o complemento Universal Trader, pois o software fará todo o trabalho de análise para você. Tudo o que você precisa é seguir os sinais. É isso mesmo, veja como funciona o comerciante universal, MAS NEM ESTE NÃO É TODO. Tenho outro componente do meu sistema para mostrar. E esse módulo de sistemas vale milhares que eu chamo de Swing Trader. O Swing Trader é um módulo especial do meu sistema Forex Holy Grail que pode ser usado de várias maneiras, como uma ferramenta de negociação verdadeiramente universal. Ele funcionará com qualquer par forex e outros instrumentos financeiros. Em primeiro lugar, este módulo é usado para negociar swing em tempos D1 e H4. Basta olhar as capturas de tela abaixo para ver o quão preciso é o meu Swing Trader. Além disso, esta ferramenta será muito boa para comprar e vender em outros prazos. Basta assistir ao vídeo abaixo e ver a precisão do indicador. Usei o filtro de sinais embutido no indicador mostrado no vídeo abaixo. Você pode aumentar e diminuir a sensibilidade do indicador alterando apenas um parâmetro. Aqui no vídeo abaixo, você pode ver alguns sinais recentes no gráfico EURUSD M5. Imagine suas possibilidades em prazos superiores para os quais foi projetado originalmente. Observe novamente as capturas de tela acima dos gráficos H4 e Diário. Estes são sinais reais Se você prefere o dia de comercialização e scalping, não há problema, você ainda pode usar essa ferramenta com sucesso. Mas isso não é tudo. Você também pode usar esta ferramenta para as saídas. Para a maioria dos comerciantes, é difícil encontrar um ponto de saída bom e oportuno para seus negócios. Mas com meu módulo Swing Trader você pode encontrar melhores pontos de saída oportunos de forma muito eficiente em prazos inferiores. Por favor, veja as capturas de tela abaixo. Nova versão disponível Agora, há uma nova versão disponível que eu chamo de Swing Trader Gold. Isso não significa que ele foi projetado para o comércio de ouro, embora você possa facilmente fazer isso com essa ferramenta. Esta versão tem o quotGoldquot no nome porque é realmente agora uma verdadeira máquina de fazer dinheiro. Agora também pode ser usado com prazos inferiores. Basta olhar para as duas imagens abaixo. A propósito, você também pode escalar com a ferramenta Swing Trader em intervalos de tempo mais baixos. Por favor, veja algumas screenshots recentes abaixo. Além disso, escrevi um mini-curso sobre como negociar com essa nova ferramenta. Eu ensino como fazer isso efetivamente. Todos os meus clientes vão receber esta nova e incrível ferramenta de mim, incluindo o guia comercial especial. Aproveite o verdadeiro poder do Swing Trading O Miracle of Forex Trading Agora é hora de mostrar-lhe algo novo e incrível, prometi aos meus clientes fornecer suporte e ferramentas contínuas. Prometi-lhes que dêem mais do que esperam obter. Isso é realmente o que eu mais gosto - proporcionando um grande valor para todos os meus clientes que confiaram em mim. Estou feliz em apresentar outro excelente módulo para você, que eu chamo de Miracle of Forex Trading. Deixe-me apresentar minhas ferramentas de milagre para você. NOVO Golden Eagle v4 Aqui está a aparência do gráfico. Veja as capturas de tela abaixo. Esta ferramenta é baseada no meu método usado para detectar reversões. Este indicador emprega análise de volume de mercado. A idéia do indicador é prever o momento em que o volume do preço é grande o suficiente durante determinado período de tempo. Ele também usa níveis de suporte e resistência calculados com a ajuda do volume também. Liguei para eles como suporte de volume e resistência. Portanto, o preço precisa atender a determinados requisitos de volume e atender a um suporte de volume e níveis de resistência. Esses níveis são formados em tempo real. Uma vez que todas as condições são atendidas, ele gera uma seta: Verde ou Vermelho. Quando vemos uma seta verde, isso significa que esse é um sinal de COMPRA. Flecha vermelha significa sinal de VENDA. Embora as técnicas baseadas na análise do volume de mercado sejam consideradas muito efetivas, esse indicador não pode prever todas as partes superiores e fundos do mercado com 100 precisões. A razão está na força do preço. Às vezes, o mercado é conduzido por notícias por muito tempo. Embora o preço possa atender ao suporte de volume ou ao nível de resistência, não é uma garantia, esta será uma grande inversão. O indicador detecta inversões com alta precisão, mas nunca sabemos quão forte será essa inversão. Há momentos em que o preço se move como um trem e não pode parar imediatamente, proporcionando-nos apenas um pequeno sinal de reversão ou preço corretivo. Mas também há situações em que o indicador prevê o topo exato e o fundo do preço com a precisão de um pip, prevendo grandes movimentos de reversão. Você pode usar esse indicador com qualquer intervalo de tempo ou par comercial. Você receberá o guia comercial onde você aprenderá a usar esta ferramenta corretamente. Aqui está como parece no gráfico. Veja as capturas de tela abaixo. Este é outro indicador de seta que também usa análise de volume para gerar sinais. Mas a beleza desse indicador está em sua capacidade de dar sinais com a tendência levando em consideração a natureza do mercado no ciclismo. Ele identifica a tendência atual no prazo e dá o sinal na direção da tendência. O sinal é gerado quando há um sinal de um novo ciclo de preços que se forma junto com determinada força de volume. Então, esse indicador é ótimo para fazer negócios com a tendência e as saídas atempadas. Este indicador também é ótimo para scalping em prazos inferiores. Aqui está como parece no gráfico. Veja as capturas de tela abaixo. Este é um indicador de tendência que é projetado para mostrar tendência geral no período de tempo atual. Isso irá ajudá-lo a permanecer com a tendência e a ter melhores entradas. Lembre-se de tendência é o seu amigo e este indicador também deve ser seu amigo em seu negócio comercial diário. Aqui está como parece no gráfico. Veja as capturas de tela abaixo. Este indicador é apenas uma linha amarela com 5 níveis de 0, 20, 50, 80, 100. O indicador pode ser usado como um oscilador ordinário, como o estocástico, que pode mostrar zonas de sobrecompra e sobrevenda. Para este propósito, eu até incluí um alerta especial que desencadeia quando a linha amarela toca o nível 0 ou 100. Tais níveis são grandes zonas de reversão. Caso você troque com a tendência, o indicador pode ajudá-lo a escolher grandes entradas com SL apertado. Mas isso não é tudo sobre esse indicador. Vou mostrar-lhe como usá-lo como uma ferramenta para trabalhar com a natureza do mercado de ciclismo. Esta ferramenta é excelente em relação aos ciclos de mercado e você entenderá por que, quando eu direi como usá-lo no guia de negociação, você receberá após a compra. Ensinar-lhe-emos a calcular a melhor distância Stop Loss e Take Profit usando a natureza do mercado no ciclismo. Além disso, eu vou ensinar-lhe como calcular melhores entradas usando os mesmos mercados leis naturais. Acredite, não encontrará esta informação em nenhum outro lugar. Estas são as minhas técnicas proprietárias que você pode aplicar com qualquer estratégia de negociação. Aqui está como parece no gráfico. Veja as capturas de tela abaixo. Este é um indicador baseado em volume. Ele é projetado para detectar mudanças de volume no mercado. Mas este definitivamente não é um indicador de volume comum. Esta ótima ferramenta é baseada em método de medição de volume exclusivo. E o que é mais importante sobre isso, é muito fácil de usar em comparação com muitos outros indicadores de volume disponíveis para os comerciantes. Meu indicador de volume tem apenas velas verdes e vermelhas, onde o verde significa COMPRAR VOLUME e VERMELHO significa VENDER VOLUME. Velas de volume são de tamanhos diferentes. Quanto maior a vela, maior é o poder de inversão. Claro que não vendemos e compramos com todos os sinais. Existe um método de troca especial em relação à implementação deste indicador. Todos os outros indicadores de volume mostram aumento no volume quando o preço já está em alta ou baixa. Quando o preço está a diminuir e o volume aumentando, os indicadores de volume comuns simplesmente confirmam o movimento do preço. O mesmo para mover para cima, o aumento de volume e os indicadores mostram isso como um fato. Quando o volume é alto, é um sinal de possível grande movimento. Mas meu indicador funciona de maneira diferente. Meu indicador prevê reversões de preços. Ele detecta o aumento do volume de compras quando o preço diminui e detecta o aumento do volume de vendas quando o preço está subindo. Quanto maior a vela, mais volume é trazido para o mercado. O indicador é melhor usar para melhores entradas na direção do principal ciclo de preços porque facilmente encontra a correção de fim de preço ou ciclo menor, que é o sinal da continuação da tendência. O indicador também pode ser usado para prever inversão geral também. Vou contar-lhe mais sobre os meus indicadores, a análise do volume do mercado e as leis do mercado natural nas páginas do guia comercial. Você aprenderá a combinar todas essas coisas que o ajudarão a se tornar um comerciante melhor. Método do surfista de onda de preços Aqui está uma das minhas técnicas de negociação recentes que o ajudarão a ver uma imagem clara das formações dos mercados. Este componente de sistemas é um dos elementos mais importantes. Estou dizendo isso sem nenhum exagero. O método Price Wave Surfer irá ajudá-lo a ganhar mais confiança na negociação e permitir que você veja padrões de onda. Além disso, você saberá como saltar sobre essas ondas lucrando tanto em movimentos de tendência quanto em retrocessos. As técnicas de negociação Wave Surfer baseiam-se em leis de mercado naturais. Isso é algo que você definitivamente vai gostar. Este módulo é representado apenas por alguns indicadores. Um dos indicadores é muito único e até posso dizer que é o meu favorito. Não vou revelar todos os detalhes sobre este método de negociação. Mas vou deixar você ver algumas imagens recentes do indicador Holy Wave Predictor, que é a principal ferramenta de negociação no método de Wave Wave Wave. O Predictor Holy Wave é muito fácil de usar, embora seja baseado em algoritmos complexos. Ao projetar o indicador Wave Predictor, usei uma abordagem única que usa teorias de caos e quânticos para estudar e caracterizar a previsibilidade inerente aos mercados financeiros. Parece fantástico, pode ser. Mas funciona e funciona como magia. Por enquanto, sinta-se livre para assistir algumas capturas de tela abaixo e você verá o poder do meu indicador Wave Predictor. Breakout Master Method Aqui está uma das minhas mais recentes técnicas de negociação que abrange uma área muito interessante no forex chamado breakout trading. Este método baseia-se na minha estratégia única, concebida para prever o início, a continuação e a mudança de tendências com base nos princípios da negociação de preços. Eu coloquei este método complexo em um indicador comercial fácil de usar. Não vou revelar todos os detalhes sobre este método de negociação aqui. Mas eu vou deixar você ver algumas capturas de tela recentes do indicador que você vai conseguir de mim se você se tornar meu cliente. Aproveite o poder do meu método de Master Breakout. Acredite que você não encontrará essas informações em nenhum outro lugar. Este é o meu método exclusivo e está disponível apenas para meus clientes. Método de ação de preço E, finalmente, aqui está a minha mais recente técnica de negociação, baseada na ação de preço. Combine padrões únicos de ação de preços com análise de volume de mercado. Como resultado, consegui projetar um indicador legal com base na melhor abordagem de negociação de ação de preços, o que o ajuda a entender o fluxo de preços. Além do meu único indicador de ação de preço, esse método também envolve alguns indicadores padrão para fins de filtragem de sinais que a maioria dos comerciantes já conhece. Eles são Moving Average e Bollinger Bands. Vou ensinar-lhe como aplicar minha ferramenta junto com esses dois indicadores mencionados acima. Vou ensiná-lo a usá-los do jeito certo com alta precisão. Você poderá facilmente filtrar os sinais fracos. Aliás, alguns dos meus outros métodos apresentados acima também podem ser aplicados com este par de indicadores padrão disponíveis em qualquer plataforma de negociação gratuitamente. Mas o principal aqui é o seguinte. Você vai aprender algumas dicas e segredos de usar esses indicadores padrão que a maioria dos comerciantes não conhecem e nunca ouvi falar de nada assim eu vou ensinar-lhe como escolher as entradas e os pontos de saída corretos. Lembre-se de todas as informações no meu curso de negociação é absolutamente útil. Cada frase tem seu significado. Apenas coisas úteis que você precisará saber e manter em seu arsenal de negociação, não vou revelar todos os detalhes sobre este método de negociação aqui e mostrar como funciona todo o método. Mas vou lhe mostrar algumas capturas de tela recentes do meu indicador de preço da ação que você vai conseguir de mim no pacote Forex Holy Grail. A primeira captura de tela abaixo mostra o gráfico EURUSD H1 que cobre quase 2 meses de dados. Você verá comprar e vender setas. Estes são sinais do meu indicador de ação de preço. Mas não usamos todos os sinais para entradas. Ensinar-lhe-emos a fazer melhores negociações usando o poder das Bandas de Bollinger e a Média de Mudança. Mesmo que você use esse indicador sozinho, sem nenhum indicador de filtragem, você ainda obterá excelentes resultados. Basta olhar para a captura de tela abaixo e sentir o poder da minha ferramenta de negociação Price Action. Agora, veja os dois screenshots abaixo. Estes são os gráficos M15 e M5. Basta ver a precisão das suas previsões. Imagine o que você pode alcançar se você usar o método inteiro, escolhendo apenas os melhores negócios e trocando com baixo risco e alta recompensa. Predie o mercado Por sinal, às vezes, as pessoas me perguntam se seria possível prever a influência do resultado de Tais eventos como o Brexit ou mesmo outros eventos altamente imprevisíveis altamente voláteis, como exemplo, como outro forte movimento descendente do mesmo par GBPUSD que ocorreu recentemente. Minha resposta é SIM Meus métodos podem prever essas coisas. Mas como Mais uma vez estamos falando de padrões de volume diferentes que eu uso na análise de mercado. Você não precisa conhecer esses padrões, pois eles são codificados no software que eu forneço. Por favor dê uma olhada em um par de screenshots abaixo. A captura de tela acima mostra o movimento de venda enorme mais recente no GBPUSD. O movimento foi previsto com a ajuda do meu método Breakout Master que todos os meus clientes recebem. A captura de tela acima mostra a influência do evento Brexit sobre o preço e como foi previsto pelo meu método de Wave Wave do preço. Como você pode ver com minhas ferramentas, você pode aprender a saber sempre onde o mercado realmente está indo. Lembre-se de que o mercado é uma entidade ao vivo. É conduzido por pessoas. Meu software pode detectar certos padrões de preços que representam certas ações das pessoas que têm o poder de mover o mercado. Então, quando você tem essas ferramentas e métodos especiais em seu arsenal de negociação, você realmente começa a negociar uma maneira muito mais confortável sem estresse ou com outros medos. Você lê o mercado como uma revista e você facilmente entende o que está escrito lá. Isso lhe dá algum poder real que pode ajudá-lo a atingir seus objetivos financeiros. GAIN TRUE POWER Você já leu sobre todos os módulos do meu sistema comercial. Na verdade, você pode usar cada módulo de software separadamente, mas o poder real vem quando você entende como combinar as ferramentas em um sistema. Meu objetivo é ensinar-lhe os métodos de negociação introduzidos e dar-lhe a liberdade de negociar em quaisquer condições de mercado. Acredite-me se você ainda não tem certeza se você precisa de minhas ferramentas ou não, faça-se várias perguntas importantes. Por que você está aqui Por que você está lendo meu site O que você quer do meu software e treinamento Você realmente quer se tornar um comerciante melhor Se você for sério sobre ter sucesso na negociação e já está cansado de tudo o que não está funcionando coisas promovidas on-line , Então bem-vindo a bordo, vou apresentá-lo ao incrível mundo do Forex Holy Grail, onde a negociação torna-se não apenas rentável, mas verdadeiramente interessante. Você começará a entender coisas que você não poderia entender antes. Você verá o mercado em um grau absolutamente novo. Apenas dê a si mesmo essa chance de finalmente se tornar bem sucedido na negociação, tenho certeza depois, você vai dizer um grande obrigado a si mesmo por essa decisão inteligente em sua vida. Por favor, veja a captura de tela abaixo. Este é realmente o que você pode conseguir com os meus métodos de negociação. Este é o verdadeiro poder comercial que você pode ter em sua posse. Resultados atualizados. Apenas veja o poder dos meus métodos Veja as estatísticas avançadas e o sumário dos pares negociados e os pips feitos. Eu fiz mais de SETE MIL PETS REALES negociando 5 pares apenas dentro de um curto período de tempo em menos de dois meses Sim, eu tenho negociado agressivamente para mostrar as possibilidades dos meus métodos. Mas, na verdade, mesmo comerciantes conservadores podem duplicar suas contas dentro de um ano, arriscando apenas vários por cento da conta. A beleza dos meus métodos está em sua capacidade de trabalhar. Eles funcionam porque são baseados em princípios de mercado reais e anos de experiência comercial. Eu faço o meu melhor para dar aos meus clientes apenas as ferramentas e os conhecimentos que realmente funcionam. Aqui está a atualização mais recente das minhas estatísticas de negócios abaixo. Lembre-se que você pode fazer o mesmo ou mesmo melhor. Entre meus cleints, também há gente que nunca ouviu falar sobre o comércio forex antes. Mas eles agora comercializam e negociaram com sucesso. Independentemente do seu nível de experiência, você pode ser bem sucedido na negociação. Tudo o que você precisa é métodos comprovados e ferramentas combinadas com você o verdadeiro desejo de se tornar um bom comerciante. Você gostaria de ter resultados comerciais como esses. PODE FAZER? Estou trocando um pouco agressivamente para mostrar as possibilidades dos meus indicadores. Mas mesmo os comerciantes conservadores podem dobrar suas contas dentro de um ano com apenas um par de por cento do risco envolvido. Entre os meus clientes, há gestores de fundos que usam meus métodos para administrar dinheiro de outras pessoas com segurança e lucratividade. Mas você não precisa ser um comerciante profissional para ser bem sucedido em Forex. Não importa qual seja sua experiência comercial, você pode fazer um bom lucro todos os meses. Tudo o que você precisa é dar uma chance. Meus métodos de negociação podem ajudá-lo a alcançar seus objetivos financeiros, independentemente do que sejam. Bem, não vou usar nenhum fluff de marketing aqui. Em vez disso, vou te dizer o preço imediatamente. O preço do meu pacote de treinamento e software de negociação é apenas 497. Este é um pagamento único. Uma vez que você faça uma compra, você terá acesso vitalício às minhas ferramentas e treinamento, incluindo atualizações gratuitas, novas ferramentas gratuitamente e meu suporte pessoal. Sua licença nunca expirará, então você terá a liberdade de aprender e negociar em seu próprio ritmo. Eu realmente acredito que este preço eu peço meu produto não é muito. Nos meus primeiros dias de negociação, ficaria feliz em pagar milhares por tais informações e ferramentas como as que eu estou lhe oferecendo. Mas, infelizmente, ninguém poderia me fornecer um sistema similar. Felizmente você não precisa gastar tanto dinheiro, tempo e esforços que eu gastei para encontrar os verdadeiros métodos de negociação. Eu fiz isso e agora eu gostaria de compartilhar meus conhecimentos com outros comerciantes. Além disso, sua compra é totalmente segura com minha garantia de devolução de dinheiro ILIMITADA. Eu só quero que você saiba que não preciso do seu dinheiro no caso de você não estar totalmente satisfeito. Quando eu uso a palavra quinhão sem limite em relação à garantia de devolução do dinheiro, quero dizer, você tem o direito de pedir reembolso mesmo depois de vários meses de usar minhas ferramentas. Você não encontrará esse tipo de garantia de devolução de dinheiro em qualquer outro lugar. É assim que estou confiante na qualidade dos serviços que presto. Você não tem limites de tempo pressionando você. Sou uma pessoa séria que presta serviços de qualidade. E, em troca, espero sérias intenções de você. Tudo o que eu pergunto é dar ao meu serviço uma tentativa séria por 30 dias completos e só então decidir se meus métodos funcionam para você ou não. You know, surprisingly, many people are not serious about learning to trade. All they have is curiosity. So if youre are just curious about what I have for you, better ask yourself - how strong is your desire to become a successful and profitable trader Are you ready to spend some time on actual learning and practising If youre not a newbie in trading, you definitely understand it is impossible to say how good or bad this or that trading method is only if you used it for several days. Real trading is about perspective. It is about long term consistent profits. Real taders do not play games, instead they work and work hard to be consistently profitable If youre not afraid of learning and practising, if youre a serious person, so welcome aboard And I guarantee that you will be successful and profitable in case you have serious intentions. Among my clients there are people of all walks of life. There are newbies and there are professionals. Among my clients there are also people who trade for hedge funds or banks. These people are using my tools to manage big amounts of other peoples money. It is a big responsibility. And believe me they think not twice but 10 times before adding this or that method into their trading arsenal. You do not have to be a hedge fund trader to use my services. But here is the beauty of my service. I give everyone the opportunity to have same A level trading tools and training like professional traders have. Do you want to be among the tiny percent of successful traders If yes, look no further. Youve already found what youve been searching for so long time. Some people ask me why do I sell it if these are are good tools that can help me make money in Forex trading They ask what is the reason to share it with others You know, I do not see anything bad at all in the opportunity to help other fellow traders change their lives for the better. Yes I make some additional money by selling this system. But the money I make from selling this system is actually a drop in the ocean in comparison to the returns I get from trading Forex. So for me selling this system is really a hobby and the opportunity to help other people. Some people also tell me I should give my tools for free in case I am already successful and make good money out of trading. In other words why do I ask money for my tools and training Here is my question and the answer to those people. Why should I do this for free. Ive put much effort into creation of my tools and strategies. Moreover I provide ongoing support to my clients, provide updates of my software, share some of my other tools with them. Why should I do all these things for free After all, I spend much of my time working on this project and I want my efforts to be compensated somehow. I do not see anything wrong in my desire to help other people become better traders and at the same time to be paid for my work. Im glad I have the chance to share the tools and training with you that can help you make consistent profits trading Forex. Why should I keep it a secret The Forex market is too big Im not afraid of forex brokers or any kind of traders competition at all. My product has nothing in common with all of those forex products sold on the Internet. By the way, there are many forex systems out there being sold for much higher price and those systems even are not worth the hosting fee their sellers pay to host their sales pages. I could be selling my forex course for any price I want and it would be worth each and every penny I ask for it, becuase my trading tools and training do really work Each of my systems modules is worth much more money than any other product you could purchase online. I truly believe the price I set for my trading system is affordable taking into consideration the fact you can make much more than that already in your first week of trading with my software and training. By purchasing my system you will get all my software system modules you read about above on this page. You will also have the chance to get access to the tools which I do not show on my website. These secret tools are available for my clients free of charge. You will also get free unlimited support from me including software updates and other additional tools. Additionally I provide free remote setup of my software in your trading platform at no cost. So you pay only once for ongoing value you will have by becoming my client. In my turn I will do my best to help you on your way to your personal trading success If youre still feeling unsure about your ability to become a profitable trader, always remember the words of Henry Ford who said quotWhether you think you can or think you cant, youre rightquot This is you who decides what you can do and what you cant. So if you think you can, I will show you the way. Well I have said everything I wanted to say here. Thank You for your interest in my services Now the choice is yours. FX Holygrail Am About to Reveal to a Select Few the Exact Systems They Used to Achieve These Astounding Results If you would like to know how someone can start with a simple idea and 3,000 . and then. generate 69,233 in just one month. this is going to be the most interesting post you will ever read. Almost a year ago we set out to change people8217s perceptions of trading forever. We did this by holding the most advanced trading competition in the world. Well, the response was so incredible that we decided to do it again, and again, and again, in fact, the interest was so phenomenal that we now hold this challenge every two months. We have proven without question once and for all that anyone can trade. The myth that you need to be a scientific genius, a professional trader or need some complicated system to make money from trading has been proven false . Our Champions reveal, for the first time ever, their closely guarded secret systems. Make no mistake, fund managers and bankers across the world are reading this as intently as you are. they are in utter disbelief that an average guy with little or no trading experience could produce results 10 times better than they have ever dreamt of. This is the true story of ordinary people who have participated in the biggest trading competition in the world and achieved extraordinary results with their unique trading systems. They came from every corner of the earth with only one thing in common. They love to trade. These are Best Trading Systems The World Has Ever Seen Position 1 - Samuel A Net Gain: 2,956.16 Time: One month Initial Deposit: 100,000.00 Net profit: 2,956,160.92 Trading System: SwingDay Trading Pairs Traded: Any pair Trading Experience: 1 year Profession: Evangelical Drama Minister (Clergy) (Trading System Fully Disclosed) 8220Samuel Turned 100,000.00 into 3,056,160.92 In One Month8221 Samuel made 2,956.16 in one month. After losing his first account he spent every chance he got learning as much as he could about Forex until he found the combination of indicators that he now uses to pull massive pips out of the market every day. He trades all currency pairs on all time frames. While he uses standard technical indicators available on every trading platform out there, it is the combination of these indicators and the way he uses them that is unique. Samuel believes his system will work for serious minded-people and those who see Forex as an important part of their life and not just as a game. My trading system is basically my guide to success. This trading system of mine is nothing but a prosperity and wealth making trading system, without it and consistent discipline I can never be a profitable Forex trader. It is my map to success, and the heart of Forex business. In 2 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Samuel8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Samuel8217s system with other traders and mentorsThe exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains What led him to create his trading system What advice he would give to a new trader Position 2 - Fitzroy D Trading System Fully Disclosed 8220Fitzroy Turned 100.00 into 2 773.26 Profit In One Month8221 Fitzroy made 2,773.26 in one month. So far he has won both trading challenges he has entered with his unique trading system. He trades all currency pairs on the 4 hour and 1 hour time frames. His system is logical and precise. It uses standard technical indicators and a special custom indicator that you will learn how to use as well. Fitzroys system is proving to be quite consistent when applied properly and it has gained such a following amongst our community that a group of traders have created an Expert Advisor based on his system. Since I started trading 4 years ago, I have found it to be one of, if not THE most, exciting profession to be involved in. It is my ultimate desire, as I hone my skills, to become one of the best Forex traders in the world. In 2 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Fitzroy8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Fitzroy8217s system with other traders and mentorsThe exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains Where he gets his proprietary indicators (most traders have never heard of them) What HE thinks is really important in trading What advice he would give to a new trader Position 3 - Ahmad A Trading System Fully Disclosed 8220Ahmad Turned 3,000 into 69,233.69 In One Month8221 Ahmad made 2,307.78 in one month. As a Civil Engineer he is very analytical by nature. He has been trading for three years and became so obsessed with Forex trading that he almost lost his job. He spent every free hour he had testing and trying different settings for indicators before he came up with his system. He trades all currency pairs on a 4 hour and 15 minute chart. Although he uses regular indicators like RSI and CCI, he also uses unique custom indictors that he will disclose only to the few who become members of our inner circle. He also doesnt believe you should trade if you are not in the right frame of mind. Do not trade if you are not in the right frame of mind. I have found that if you are not in the right frame of mind when you trade it can often lead to disaster. In 2 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Ahmad8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Ahmad8217s system with other traders and mentorsThe exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains Where he gets his proprietary indicators (most traders have never heard of them) What HE thinks is really important in trading What advice he would give to a new trader Position 4 - Wasseem Z Trading System Fully Disclosed 8220Wasseem Turned 50.10 into 704.66 In One Month8221 Wasseem made 1,306.50 in one month. As an Electrical Engineer he does not have a lot of time to spend in front of his charts waiting for setups to occur, so his system is aimed at short and very short term trading. With only 6 months trading experience he has designed a system that can work on all time frames that uses NO indicators. The system depends on very basic market movement patterns such as Japanese Candlestick patterns, channel trend and Fibonacci levels. The system is terrific for beginners, especially because it uses no indicators. All you need to do is recognize a zigzag pattern, create an channel, and watch your account balance increasing. Ive been trading for six months now. Aiming to learn and create simple but yet professional trading systems. In 2 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Wasseem8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Wasseem8217s system with other traders and mentorsThe exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains Video examples of his trading system in action What advice he would give to a new trader Position 5 - Nurudeen U Trading System Fully Disclosed Nurudeen Made 11,207.77 Profit in One Month Nurudeen made 1,120.77 in one month. As an accountant he really understands figures. He took those same skills that he uses every day and applied them to the Forex market. He slowly and methodically researched and studied the market until he came up with the perfect system. He trades the Major Pairs GBPUSD (PoundDollar), EURUSD(EuroDollar), USDCHF(DollarSwiss Frank) and, USDJPY ( DollarYen). He uses a unique mixture of conventional indicators with Pivot Points that makes an effective way to trade the market. I took my time and searched the internet extensively for any information on Forex so that I could widen my knowledge base. In 3 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Nurudeen8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Nurudeen8217s system with other traders and mentors The exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains What aspects of trading he thinks are the most important What HE thinks is really important in trading The one deadly accurate chart pattern he uses The interview were he reveals all Position 6 - Udochi E Trading System Fully Disclosed Udochi Made 50,702.60 Profit in One Month Udochi is a Petroleum Engineer and is a firm believer that you must have the psychological aspect of trading under control. He trades only the GBPUSD using 4 hour, 1 hour, 15 minute, 5 minute and 1 minute charts. Pivot Points are one of his favorite tools and he uses them extensively along with his unique combination of traditional indicators. Udochis now legendary D8D3 system has been coded into an Expert Advisor and is currently being tweaked by the traders in our community. The EA is currently in version 4. I learnt that the universe does not favor the coward, greedy and stingy. I gave up the last traces of these unhelpful traits and thats the beginning of my ceaseless profitability in forex trading. In 3 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Udochi8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Udochi8217s system with other traders and mentors The exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains The one overlooked part of trading every one misses Why he trades as often as possible - very powerful What advice he would give to a new trader How he found his killer combination of indicators Position 7 - Obiliza M Trading System Fully Disclosed Obiliza Reported A Net Gain of 927.93 in One Month Working full-time as an Electrical chargeman doesn8217t leave Obiliza much time for trading but he still manages to find time after work. Obiliza trades any timeframe but concentrates on the 4 hour, 15 minute, 5 minute and 1 minute charts. He looks for the same set up on each time frame. He trades only the GBPUSD and one of the indicators he relies on is Bollinger Bands. I trade and study the Forex market after work, I hope to become a fulltime trader soon. In 3 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Obiliza8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Obiliza8217s system with other traders and mentors The exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains Why he only trades at certain times He reveals his own special Pivot Point calculation The underground support and resistance trick The significance of two very special moving averages Position 8 - Johan W Trading System Fully Disclosed 8220Johan Turned 100 000.00 into 406 199.73 Profit In One Month8221 After his attempts were met with mixed success, about a year ago Johan started working on a new method of trading, using all his experience gained through his 6 years of trading the markets. He developed an easy to understand, simple system with which he could constantly be profitable in the markets. Remarkably, Johans system uses just one technical indicator and a unique method of applying his stop losses and targets which is key to his success. I started 6 years ago when a friend introduced me to trading, ever since I have been trying many techniques and systems to be profitable in the Forex market. In 2 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Johan8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Johan8217s system with other traders and mentorsThe exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains What HE thinks is really important in trading What advice he would give to a new trader Position 9 - Mebs W Net Gain: 391.06 Time: One month Initial Deposit: 1 000.00 Net profit: 3 910.59 Trading System: SwingDay Trading Pairs Traded: Any pair Trading Experience: 10 Months Profession: Senior Commodity Tax Technician Trading System Fully Disclosed 8220Mebs Turned 1 000.00 into 3 910.59 Profit In One Month8221 Although Mebs has only been trading for about 10 months now, he has placed in the top 3 positions one 3 previous occasions. Mebs system has evolved over the course of these trading challenges as he is continuously looking to improve his methodology. His system relies heavily on good, old fashioned trendlines and support amp resistance lines. Bollinger Bands and the Stochastic Oscillator are recent additions to his arsenal that have given his system much better accuracy. Currency trading came to me 10 months ago and I have been reading lots of material on technical analysis while looking for work. I am very confident I have come up with setups that will have a HIGH PROBABILITY of giving winning trades 80 to 90 of the time. I am also confident I will at a point win the challenge. In 2 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Mebs8217 award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Mebs8217 system with other traders and mentorsThe exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to finish in the top 3 in every challenge What HE thinks is really important in trading What advice he would give to a new trader Position 10 - Olga A Net Gain: 388.54 Time: One month Initial Deposit: 1 000.00 Net profit: 3 885.39 Trading System: SwingDay Trading Pairs Traded: Forex, EURUSD and GBPUSD Trading Experience: 3 Year Profession: Informational Analytics Trading System Fully Disclosed 8220Olga Turned 1 000.00 into 3 885.39 In One Month8221 Olga made 388.54 in one month. It took all of 5 years for her to finally understand the markets and adapt a trading strategy that was profitable. Her trading system comprises of several custom indicators that many traders are not even aware of. Her unique method relies on finding the exact reversal point of every swing. Olgas system works on the 1 hour and 15 minute time frames but can also be adapted to work on the 4 hour and 30 minute charts as well. Since joining our trading community, Olgas custom indicators have been given a make over by some of our more senior members. Olga was recently awarded our first scholarship award for her outstanding efforts in our forum where she has been helping other traders learn her system and tweak it for maximum efficiency. I started learning Forex trading in 2004. In 2006 I opened the first real account and tortured it for two years. It was well up and well down, and I have passed all the stages of the traders mind (seems there are ten of them). Now Im sure that our psychological state is really very important. If you can properly estimate your mind problems you will always know what to do and where to go. I have found that many of my everyday behavior patterns are revealed while trading. Unfortunately it took too long to understand it. But as soon as I did - everything changed immediately. If you are really fond of trading - never give up, it is always possible to find the reason for a failure and to go to the next step. In 2 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Olga8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Olga8217s system with other traders and mentorsThe exact steps she went through to produce her award winning system How she manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains Where she gets her proprietary indicators (most traders have never heard of them) What SHE thinks is really important in trading What advice she would give to a new trader What You Get: To instantly copy their award winning systems A detailed look at the best trading systems in the world How to achieve head spinning results others can only dream of In-depth interviews with all of the winners The exact steps they went through to make their winning systems Explanations of how they manage to work full-time and still produce massive gains Where to get proprietary indicators most traders have never heard of The names of the currencies they trade What THEY think is really important to make it in trading What advice they would give to a new trader starting out Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum - discuss all the winning systems Videos that teach you how to trade Access to the largest collection of trading techniques in the world You get to mix with real traders - not just guys who sell books Tried and tested trading systems and courses You get to listen to me interview the big guns A beginners section to help new traders You have a team of traders willing to help you How to quickly jumpstart your trading by cutting years off the learning curve Unconditional Priority email support Fresh new content every month As long as you are a member you will get to see all the winning systems from future challenges You8217ll Wonder Why You Thought Trading Was So Hard and Realize That Anyone Can Do it if they are Shown How. This is the stuff experienced traders would have killed for when they started out. It doesn8217t matter if you have never traded before in your life. There is just no reason to fail once you are a member of this elite group. Listen up, this information is not for the general public, it8217s far too valuable. You won8217t see this on any other website, because no one else has it. We had to put this in a secret underground Members area . Our Membership Area Is Just Like Area 51 Up until now the intense secrecy surrounding this underground membership site had made it difficult for outsiders to gain access. Only now has it been opened to the public for a limited time and only for a limited number of traders. All the secrets had to go somewhere and we put it all in an underground members area. The only way to get these systems is to become a member of our secret members group. Isso fica melhor. Right now, as you are reading this letter, some of the brightest minds in trading are competing to take away the throne of the winners, and you will get their winning systems as well. Heres what no one else can give you. those winning systems. The magic never stops in our members area. Every two months we add more verified award winning systems. Thats why more traders have success with us than any other resource in the world. We are the only place that can prove we have the real McCoy. Traders have been quietly and discreetly learning how to trade the markets for years. They just haven8217t told anyone until now. How often have you met someone who was smart enough to think outside the box and come up with a simple system that made 2,956.16 and was prepared to share it with you. 8220These Are Simply The Best Trading Systems In The World8221 This is not a course from some guy you never met and youre not sure if he is legit or not. These are all real traders with verified results. You are not relying on one source of information. These traders came from all over the world. You will learn that anyone can trade like they do. You don8217t even need to think. You just need to copy their systems. You Feel Different When You Trade With Confidence One of the reasons traders give up is because they just feel that they can8217t do it. Everything they try seems to lose money. How would it feel to trade a system that you knew for a fact had made 2,956.16 or 2773.22 or even 2307.78I am a forex trader, investor and software developer. Many years ago I found a lucrative way to make money from the comfort of my home. I was introduced to the biggest financial market in the world Forex. And like many other newbie traders out there I had lost my money several times before I started seeing consistency in my profits. I learnt so many strategies so I cant even say how many but there were really many of them. Lately I created a reliable and lucrative set of trading methods to trade Forex which now I have successfully put into code and converted to an easy to use trading system that works in all market conditions and with any trading instrument. My trading methods are based on unique knowledge where market is represented by natural market laws. I got my inspiration from famous traders and scientists like William Gann, Ralph Elliott, Richard Wyckoff and others who made a big input into creation of a new and unique understanding of the markets behaviour. The works and theories of those people helped me find my own trading approach and understanding of the market. And now I want to share my knowledge and trading software with you. If you are reading this page it means you have been looking for a profitable forex strategy, for an accurate forex system to make a living from the comfort of your home. Luckily I have a solution for you. What is trading Holy Grail for you Every person may have his or her own understanding of the matter but I am sure there will be one thing common in all answers. Traders are looking for a reliable strategy that will consistently grow their accounts. Believe me, with my system you can do exactly this. You can grow your account easily like you never thought possible before. I am not saying my system will give you 100 win rate. You know there are so many things influence the market behavior so you simply cannot predict every markets move. Some strategies are good in trending market, some are good for ranging market. But you can not be truly successful in trading if your strategy does not work in all market conditions. But if your strategy is able to deal both with ranging as well as trending market, your results will be different in your favor. Whatever you think but real money is made only when the market moves, in other words when there is trend. My trading system will help you avoid most of false signals caused by flat market conditions, and this gives you a great advantage as a trader. You will be able to move with the market wihtout fear of being whipsawed. My trading methods are designed to work in any market conditions. It does not matter how many indicators you are using in your trading. It does not matter even if youre a proud owner of hundreds of forex indicators. They are all useless untill you make them work for you The only thing which matters is if your indicators can really show you real picture of the market. You know better than me the majority of all forex strategies being sold online are useless. And those strategies which do work are not easy to implement in most cases. Designing my trading tools I wanted them to be used and understood by all traders be them newbies or professionals. I converted complex theories into simple to use trading methods which can be applied successfully by people even with no trading experience at all. I divided all my tools into several modules which represent parts of the whole Forex Holy Grail system. Each module can be used separately or in conjunction with other modules of the system. I designed all modules with the ability to form different indicators combinations so even a professional trader will have freedom to implement my tools in his or her own unique way of trading. And one of my systems modules which I am going to share with you first is the indicator which I call the Golden Eagle. This powerful indicator is one of the systems components which plays its own unique and importnat role in market analysis work. You will learn more about this tool on this page down below. What is the Secret Behind the Golden Eagle My winning method put into indicators code is a trading strategy which was designed to predict true direction of a financial instrument. It can be applied to all financial instruments. My indicator will help you stay on the safe side of the market in any trading session, any time of the day. There is no exaggeration in my words. This is a very powerful and reliable trading tool. As I told you earlier, I have been trading for years already and learnt many forex strategies and theories. The most exciting and inspiring for me was to learn and apply trading techniques by a well known trader and mathematician of the past Mr. W. D. Gann. William D. Gann (1878-1955) was a legendary trader who developed several unique tools for the price movement analysis. He created a unique and very complex combination of mathematical and geometric principles of analysis. My indicator is based on one of W. D. Ganns methods for the time axis. It uses past market reversal points and applies the mathematical formula for the method and then makes projections into the future. A date and time where future projections line up is called a time cluster. These time clusters are calculated by the indicator. A time cluster will result in a market reversal point forming after the signal. Though the method itself is pretty powerful, I decided to go further and added support and resistance levels based on W. D. Gann to make the indicators signals as accurate as possibe. I believe the combination of these two accurate price predictions methods can provide much better results when applied together. Some time ago I made an update to this version of the indicator. The algorithm was improved and it now allows using the indicator with any pair and any time frame. You can use it for scalping, day trading and long term trading. Just look at the screenshots I made with the Golden Eagle. This is still the same Golden Eagle indicator you have seen in the video above but with some improvements. Now indicator also provides re-entry signals and instead of arrows it plots red and green stars on charts. These are recent screenshots below which represent different time frames and trading pairs. IT IS SO EASY TO MAKE PIPS WITH THE GOLDEN EAGLE The ability to generate re-entry signals makes trading easier and more convenient. In case you miss a signal you will have the opportunity to ride it some time later when appropriate and the indicator will tell you when the right moment for re-entry is. In most cases the price will retrace back to the entry point at least once which makes those re-entry signals are of high importance and useful. You do not need to sit all day long before your charts as you will always have the time to enter the trade with the re-entry signals in case you missed the main signal generated by the indicator. The indicator has also a newly added in-built feature that gives you the opportunity to add up your trading positions. This feature is included for traders who prefer to take as much profit from the market as possible. W. D. Ganns methods are perfect for designing the best forex trading system but but my trading experience told me to add to the system such indicators as RSI and Moving Average. As you know the RSI indicator calculates the current strength of the currency and the Moving Average indicator show the trend or the prices direction and at the same time serves as support and resistance as well. By adding these two indicators with certain optimized parameters to my trading system allowed me to make the signals of my indicator even more accurate and powerful. In fact I managed to design the most accurate prediction trading tool I have ever used in my trading career. This is a true Forex Holy Grail for me as it can be used in several ways. You can use it for day, medium term trading, long term trading and even scalping too. Whatever trading style you prefer you will find this tool useful and profitable. My indicator removes all the guesswork out of trading decisions. It helps keep emotions calm and trade mechanically. No need to adjust any settings, no need to optimize anything in the indicator. All you have to do is open a MetaTrader 4 chart, then load the indicator. Thats it, youre ready to trade. Once there is a possible trading opportunity you will be notified by the sound alarm. You can also choose to receive message alert and email notification. This indicator will be a good tool to start with for newbie traders and a good tool for seasoned traders as well, who will use it as a part of the whole trading system which I provide. As you already know, my trading system is actually more than one indicator. The TRUE POWER is in the fusion of the tools. The Golden Eagle is only the one of several software modules used in my whole Forex Holy Grail System. By purchasing my Forex Holy Grail system you will get all the trading modules of my system which I use. The next trading system module I want to introduce to you is a unique piece of software which is called The Universal Trader. The Universal Trader is a truly universal trading system which can be used with any financial instrument and on any time frame. You can trade currencies, metals, stocks, indices, anything that can be displayed on the chart. The system employs professional approach to trading and can be used by traders with any level of trading experience. It does not matter if you are a newbie trader or a professional trader, the Universal Trader will be a great help for you in everyday trading. This add-on module is based on sound classic universal trading theory and Volume Spread Analysis. About Volume Spread Analysis Volume Spread Analysis or simply VSA is a proven methodology of analyzing financial markets. First developed by Richard D. Wyckoff, one of the most successful Wall Street traders of all time, in the 1900s, and perfected by Tom Williams, during the time he was a syndicate trader for 15 years based in London in the 1960s-1970s. Other very successful Wall Street traders like William ONeill use it as well. Its based on supply and demand, which governs any market, and not anything else: no technical indicators, no price patterns, just pure price and volume action. Any business where there is money to be made there are professionals: Art has professional traders, poker has professional players, betting has professional betters, and likewise financial markets have professional traders. Being successful in the markets is all about following the footsteps of the sharks of this game: market operators, pit traders, market-makers, syndicate traders and top professional traders. The purpose of VSA is to show you what the professionals are doing by analyzing the price movements and volumes, and profit with that knowledge VSA can be used in all markets and with different timeframes, the trader just needs a volume histogram in his price charts. In some markets like the stock market or the futures market, actual transaction volumes are available, yet in other markets - like forex which isnt centralized - actual volume numbers are not available. However, this doesnt mean that a trader cant analyze foreign exchange market volumes, he must simply analyze the volume observed on each tick. O volume Forex pode ser representado pela quantidade de atividade observada em cada barra ou candelabro. É preciso ter em mente que os grandes comerciantes profissionais estão fortemente envolvidos se houver muita atividade em um castiçal. Por outro lado, um baixo nível de atividade significa que comerciantes profissionais se abstenham do movimento. Each scenario can have implications on the balance of supply and demand, thereby helping the trader identify a probable direction of the market in the short to medium term . VSA looks for differences between supply and demand that are primarily created by the major forex players: professional traders, institutions, banks and market makers. As transações desses comerciantes profissionais são claramente visíveis em um gráfico, assumindo que você é um comerciante de forex que sabe como lê-los. My software automatically reads the charts and analyse the price by means of VSA analysis. Even if you know nothing about VSA, you can successfully trade with the Universal Trader add-on as the software will do all analysis work for you. All you need is follow the signals. Thats it Look at how the Universal Trader works BUT EVEN THIS IS NOT ALL. I have another component of my system to show you. And this systems module is worth of thousands I call it a Swing Trader. The Swing Trader is a special module of my Forex Holy Grail system which can be used in several ways like a truly universal trading tool. It will work with any forex pair and other financial instruments. First of all this module is used for swing trading on D1 and H4 time frame. Just look at the screenshots below to see how accurate my Swing Trader is. Also this tool will be pretty good for BUY and SELL trading on other time frames. Just watch the video below and see how accurate the indicator is. I used the in-built signals filter in the indicator shown in the video below. You can increase and decrease the sensitivity of the indicator by changing only one parameter. Here in the video below, you can see some recent signals on EURUSD M5 chart. Just imagine your possibilities on higher time frames for which it was originally designed. Look again at the screenshots above from H4 and Daily charts. These are real signals If you prefer day trading and scalping, no problem, you still can use this tool successfully. Mas isso não é tudo. You can use this tool for exits too. For most traders it is difficult to find a good and timely exit point for their trades. But with my Swing Trader module you can find better timely exit points much efficiently on lower time frames. Please look at the screenshots below. New Version Available Now there is a new version available which I call the Swing Trader Gold. It does not mean it is designed for Gold trading, though you can easily do this with this tool. This version has the quotGoldquot in the name because it is really now a true money making machine. It now can be used with lower time frames as well. Simply look at the two screenshots below. By the way now you can also scalp with the Swing Trader tool on lower time frames. Please look at a couple of recent screenshots below. Moreover Ive written a mini course on how to trade with this new tool. I teach how to do this effectively. All my clients are going to receive this new amazing tool from me including the special trading guide. Enjoy the true power of the Swing Trading The Miracle of Forex Trading Now it is time to show you something new and amazing I promised my clients to provide ongoing support and tools. I promised them to give more than they expect to get. This is actually what I like most - providing true big value to all my clients who put their trust in me. I am happy to introduce another great module to you which I call the Miracle of Forex Trading. Let me introduce my miracle tools to you. NEW Golden Eagle v4 Here is how it looks on the chart. See the screenshots below. This tool is based on my method used to detect reversals. This indicator employs market volume analysis. The idea of the indicator is to predict the moment when the volume of the price is big enough during certain period of time. It also uses support and resistance levels calculated with the help of volume as well. I called ones as volume support and resistance. So the price needs to fulfill some certain volume requirements and meet one of volume support and resistance levels. These levels are formed in real time. Once all conditions are met, it generates an arrow: Green or Red. When we see a green arrow, it means this is a BUY signal. Red arrow means SELL signal. Though techniques based on volume market analysis are considered to be very effective, this indicator cannot predict all tops and bottoms of the market with 100 accuracy. The reason is in the price strength. Sometimes the market is driven by news for a pretty long time. Though the price can meet the volume support or resistance level, it is not a guarantee this will be a big reversal. The indicator detects reversals with high accuracy but we never know how strong that reversal will be. There are times when price moves like a train and cannot stop right away thus providing us with a small reversal only or price correction signal. But also there are situations when the indicator predicts exact top and bottoms of the price with the accuracy to one pip predicting huge reversal moves You can use this indicator with any time frame or trading pair. You will receive the trading guide where you will learn how to use this tool correctly. Here is how it looks on the chart. See the screenshots below. This is another arrow indicator which also uses volume analysis to generate signals. But the beauty of this indicator is in its ability to give signals with the trend taking into consideration the cycling nature of market. It identifies the current trend on the time frame and gives the signal in the direction of the trend. The signal is generated when there is a sign of a new price cycle forming along with certain volume strength. So this indicator is great for taking trades with the trend and timely exits. This indicator is also great for scalping on lower time frames. Here is how it looks on the chart. See the screenshots below. This is a trend indicator which is designed to show overall trend on current time frame. It will help you stay with the trend and take better entries. Remember trend is your friend and this indicator should also be your friend in your everyday trading business. Here is how it looks on the chart. See the screenshots below. This indicator is just a yellow line with 5 levels of 0, 20, 50, 80, 100. The indicator can be used like an ordinary oscillator like Stochastic which can show overbought and oversold zones. For this purpose I even integrated a special alert which triggers when the yellow line touches the 0 or 100 level. Such levels are great reversal zones. In case you trade with the trend, the indicator can help you choose great entries with tight SL. But thatrsquos not all about this indicator. I will show you how to use it as a tool to work with cycling marketrsquos nature. This tool is great in regards to market cycles and you will understand why, when I will be telling you how to use it in the trading guide you will receive after purchase. I will teach you how to calculate optimal Stop Loss and Take Profit distance using the cycling nature of the market. Moreover I will teach you how to calculate best entries using the same markets natural laws. Believe me, you will not find this information anywhere else. These are my proprietary techniques which you can apply with any trading strategy. Here is how it looks on the chart. See the screenshots below. This is a volume based indicator. It is designed to detect volume changes in the market. But this is definitely not an ordinary volume indicator. This great tool is based on unique volume measuring method. And which is most important thing about it ndash it is very easy to use in comparison to many other volume indicators available for traders. My volume indicator has only green and red candles where green means BUYING VOLUME and RED means SELLING VOLUME. Volume candles are of different sizes. The bigger the candle the bigger the reversal power is. Of course we do not sell and buy with every signal. There is special trading method in regards to the implementation of this indicator. All other volume indicators show increase in volume when price is already going UP or DOWN. When the price is moving down and the volume increasing, ordinary volume indicators simply confirms the movement of the price. The same for up move, the volume increasing and the indicators show this as a fact. When the volume is high it is a sign of possible big move. But my indicator works in a different way. My indicator predicts price reversals. It detects the increase of buying volume when the price going down and it detects increase of selling volume when the price is going UP. The higher the candle the more volume is brought to the market. The indicator is best to use for better entries in the direction of the main price cycle because it easily finds the end of price correction or minor cycle which is the sign of trend continuation. The indicator can also be used to predict overall reversal as well. I will tell you more about my indicators, market volume analysis and natural market laws on the pages of the trading guide. You will learn how to combine all these things which will help you become a better trader. Price Wave Surfer Method Here is one of my recent trading techniques which will help you see a clear picture of the markets formations. This systems component is one of the most important elements. I am saying this without any exaggeration. The Price Wave Surfer method will help you gain extra confidence in trading and let you see wave patterns. Moreover you will know how to jump on these waves profiting both on trend moves and pullback ones. The Wave Surfer trading techniques are based on natural market laws. This is something which you will definitely like. This module is represented by a couple of indicators only. One of the indicators is very unique and I can even say it is my favourite. I am not going to reveal all the details about this trading method. But I will let you see some recent screenshots of the Holy Wave Predictor indicator which is the main trading tool in the Price Wave Surfer method. The Holy Wave Predictor is very easy to use, though it is based on complex algorithm. When designing the Wave Predictor indicator I used a unique approach which is using chaos and quantum theories to study and characterize the inherent predictability of financial markets. Sounds fantastic Well may be. But it works and it works like magic As for now, feel free to watch some screenshots below and you will see the power of my Wave Predictor indicator. Breakout Master Method Here is one of my latest trading techniques which covers a very interesting area in forex called breakout trading. This method is based on my unique strategy designed to predict the beginning, continuation and change of trends based on the principles of price breakout trading. Ive put this complex method into an easy to use trading indicator. I am not going to reveal all the details about this trading method here. But I will let you see some recent screenshots of the indicator which youre going to get from me if you become my client. Enjoy the power of my Breakout Master Method Believe me you will not find such information anywhere else. This is my unique method and it is available to my clients only. Price Action Method And finally here is my latest trading technique which is based on price action. I combined unique price action patterns with market volume analysis. As a result I managed to design a cool indicator based on best price action trading approach which helps you understand the price flow. Besides my unique Price Action indicator, this method also involves a couple of standard indicators for signals filtering purposes which most traders already know. They are Moving Average and Bollinger Bands. I will teach you how to apply my tool along with these two indicators mentioned above. I will teach you how to use them the right way with high accuracy. You will be able to easily filter out weak signals. By the way some of my other methods shown above also may be applied with this couple of standard indicators available in any trading platform for free. But the main thing here is in the following. You are going to learn some tips and secrets of using these standard indicators which most traders do not know about and never heard of anything like that I will teach you how to choose the right entries and exit points. Remember all the information in my trading course is absolutely useful. Each and every sentence has its meaning. Only useful things which you will need to know and keep in your trading arsenal I am not going to reveal all the details about this trading method here and show how the whole method works. But I will show you some recent screenshots of my Price Action indicator which youre going to get from me in the Forex Holy Grail package. The first screenshot down below shows the EURUSD H1 chart covering almost 2 months of data. You will see buy and sell arrows. These are signals of my Price Action indicator. But we do not use each and every signal for entries. I will teach you how to take best trades using the power of Bollinger Bands and the Moving Average. Even if you used this indicator alone without any filtering indicators, you would still get great results. Just look at the screenshot below and feel the power of my Price Action trading tool. Now look at the two screenshots down below. These are M15 and M5 chart. Just look at how accurate its predictions are. Imagine what you can achieve if you use the whole method choosing only best trades and trading with low risk and high reward Predict the market By the way, sometimes, I am asked by people if it would be possible to predict the influence of the outcome of such events like Brexit or even any other unpredicted highly volatile events, as example, like another strong downward move of the same GBPUSD pair which took place recently. My answer is YES My methods can predict such things. But how Again we are talking about different volume patterns which I use in market analysis. You do not need to know these patterns as they are coded in the software which I provide. Please have a look at a couple of screenshots down below. The screenshot above shows the most recent huge SELL move on GBPUSD. The move was predicted with the help of my Breakout Master method which all my clients receive. The screenshot above shows the influence of the Brexit event on the price and how it was predicted by my Price Wave Surfer method. As you can see with my tools you can learn how to always know where the market is truly heading. Remember market is a live entity. It is driven by people. My software can detect certain price patterns which represent certain actions of the people which have the power to move the market. So when you have these special tools and methods in your trading arsenal, you actually start trading a much more comfortable way with no stress or any fears. You read the market like a magazine and you easily understand what is written there. This gives you some real power which can help you achieve your financial goals. GAIN TRUE POWER You have now read about all modules of my trading system. In fact you can use each software module separately but the real power comes when you understand how to combine the tools into a system. My goal is to teach you the introduced trading methods and give you the freedom to trade in any market conditions. Believe me if youre still not sure if you need my tools or not, ask yourself several important questions. Why are you here Why are you reading my website What do you want from my software and training Do you really want to become a better trader If youre serious about getting successful in trading and already sick and tired of all that not working stuff being promoted online, so welcome aboard I will introduce you to the amazing world of Forex Holy Grail where trading becomes not just profitable but truly interesting. You will start understanding things which you could not understand before. You will see the market in an absolutely new degree. Just give yourself that chance to finally become successful in trading I am sure later you will say a big Thank You to yourself for this smart decision in your life. Please take a look at the screenshot below. This is actually what you can achieve with my trading methods. This is the real trading power you can have in your possession. Updated results. Just see the power of my methods See the advanced statistics and summury of pairs traded and the pips made. I have made more than SEVEN THOUSAND REAL PIPS trading 5 pairs only within a short period of time in less than two months Yes, Ive been trading aggressively to show you the possibilities of my methods. But actually even conservative traders CAN DOUBLE their accounts within a year risking only several percent of the account The beauty of my methods is in their ability to work. They work because they are based on real market principles and years of trading experience. I do my best to give my clients only the tools and knowledge that really work. Here is the most recent update of my trading stats down below. Remember you can do the same or even better. Among my cleints there are also peopel who have never heard about forex trading before. But they now trade and trade successfully. No matter what your level of experience is, you can be successful in trading. All you need is proven methods and tools combined with you true desire to become a good trader Would you like to have trading results like these YOU CAN DO IT I am trading a little bit aggressively to show you the possibilities of my indicators. But even conservative traders can double their accounts within a year with just a couple of percent of risk involved. Among my clients there are fund managers who use my methods to manage other peoples money safely and profitably. But you do not need to be a professional trader to be successful in Forex. No matter what your trading experience is, you can make good profit each and every month All you need is give it a chance. My trading methods can help you achieve your financial goals whatever they are. Well, I am not going to use any marketing fluff here. Instead I will tell you the price right away. The price of my trading software and training package is 497 only This is a one time payment. Once you make a purchase, you will have lifetime access to my tools and training including free updates, new tools for free and my personal support Your license will never expire, so you will have the freedom to learn and trade in your own pace. I truly believe this price I ask for my product is not much at all. In my early days of trading I would be happy to pay thousands for such information and tools like the ones I am offering you. But unfortunately no one could provide me with a similar system. Luckily you do not need to spend that much money, time and efforts I spent in order to come up with the true winning methods of trading. I did it and now I would like to share my knowledge with other traders. Moreover your purchase is fully safe with my UNLIMITED Money Back Guarantee I just want you to know I do not need your money in case youre not fully satisfied. When I use the word quotunlimitedquot in regards to money back guarantee, I mean you have the right to ask for refund even after several months of using my tools You will not find this kind of money back guarantee anywhere else. This is how I am confident in the quality of the services I provide. You do not have any time limits pressing you. I am a serious person providing quality services. And in return I expect serious intentions from you. All I ask you is to give my service a serious try for full 30 days and only then decide if my methods work for you or not. You know, surprisingly, many people are not serious about learning to trade. All they have is curiosity. So if youre are just curious about what I have for you, better ask yourself - how strong is your desire to become a successful and profitable trader Are you ready to spend some time on actual learning and practising If youre not a newbie in trading, you definitely understand it is impossible to say how good or bad this or that trading method is only if you used it for several days. Real trading is about perspective. It is about long term consistent profits. Real taders do not play games, instead they work and work hard to be consistently profitable If youre not afraid of learning and practising, if youre a serious person, so welcome aboard And I guarantee that you will be successful and profitable in case you have serious intentions. Among my clients there are people of all walks of life. There are newbies and there are professionals. Among my clients there are also people who trade for hedge funds or banks. These people are using my tools to manage big amounts of other peoples money. It is a big responsibility. And believe me they think not twice but 10 times before adding this or that method into their trading arsenal. You do not have to be a hedge fund trader to use my services. But here is the beauty of my service. I give everyone the opportunity to have same A level trading tools and training like professional traders have. Do you want to be among the tiny percent of successful traders If yes, look no further. Youve already found what youve been searching for so long time. Some people ask me why do I sell it if these are are good tools that can help me make money in Forex trading They ask what is the reason to share it with others You know, I do not see anything bad at all in the opportunity to help other fellow traders change their lives for the better. Yes I make some additional money by selling this system. But the money I make from selling this system is actually a drop in the ocean in comparison to the returns I get from trading Forex. So for me selling this system is really a hobby and the opportunity to help other people. Some people also tell me I should give my tools for free in case I am already successful and make good money out of trading. In other words why do I ask money for my tools and training Here is my question and the answer to those people. Why should I do this for free. Ive put much effort into creation of my tools and strategies. Moreover I provide ongoing support to my clients, provide updates of my software, share some of my other tools with them. Why should I do all these things for free After all, I spend much of my time working on this project and I want my efforts to be compensated somehow. I do not see anything wrong in my desire to help other people become better traders and at the same time to be paid for my work. Im glad I have the chance to share the tools and training with you that can help you make consistent profits trading Forex. Why should I keep it a secret The Forex market is too big Im not afraid of forex brokers or any kind of traders competition at all. My product has nothing in common with all of those forex products sold on the Internet. By the way, there are many forex systems out there being sold for much higher price and those systems even are not worth the hosting fee their sellers pay to host their sales pages. I could be selling my forex course for any price I want and it would be worth each and every penny I ask for it, becuase my trading tools and training do really work Each of my systems modules is worth much more money than any other product you could purchase online. I truly believe the price I set for my trading system is affordable taking into consideration the fact you can make much more than that already in your first week of trading with my software and training. By purchasing my system you will get all my software system modules you read about above on this page. You will also have the chance to get access to the tools which I do not show on my website. These secret tools are available for my clients free of charge. You will also get free unlimited support from me including software updates and other additional tools. Additionally I provide free remote setup of my software in your trading platform at no cost. So you pay only once for ongoing value you will have by becoming my client. In my turn I will do my best to help you on your way to your personal trading success If youre still feeling unsure about your ability to become a profitable trader, always remember the words of Henry Ford who said quotWhether you think you can or think you cant, youre rightquot This is you who decides what you can do and what you cant. So if you think you can, I will show you the way. Well I have said everything I wanted to say here. Thank You for your interest in my services Now the choice is yours. FX Holygrail Am About to Reveal to a Select Few the Exact Systems They Used to Achieve These Astounding Results If you would like to know how someone can start with a simple idea and 3,000 . and then. generate 69,233 in just one month. this is going to be the most interesting post you will ever read. Almost a year ago we set out to change people8217s perceptions of trading forever. We did this by holding the most advanced trading competition in the world. Well, the response was so incredible that we decided to do it again, and again, and again, in fact, the interest was so phenomenal that we now hold this challenge every two months. We have proven without question once and for all that anyone can trade. The myth that you need to be a scientific genius, a professional trader or need some complicated system to make money from trading has been proven false . Our Champions reveal, for the first time ever, their closely guarded secret systems. Make no mistake, fund managers and bankers across the world are reading this as intently as you are. they are in utter disbelief that an average guy with little or no trading experience could produce results 10 times better than they have ever dreamt of. This is the true story of ordinary people who have participated in the biggest trading competition in the world and achieved extraordinary results with their unique trading systems. They came from every corner of the earth with only one thing in common. They love to trade. These are Best Trading Systems The World Has Ever Seen Position 1 - Samuel A Net Gain: 2,956.16 Time: One month Initial Deposit: 100,000.00 Net profit: 2,956,160.92 Trading System: SwingDay Trading Pairs Traded: Any pair Trading Experience: 1 year Profession: Evangelical Drama Minister (Clergy) (Trading System Fully Disclosed) 8220Samuel Turned 100,000.00 into 3,056,160.92 In One Month8221 Samuel made 2,956.16 in one month. After losing his first account he spent every chance he got learning as much as he could about Forex until he found the combination of indicators that he now uses to pull massive pips out of the market every day. He trades all currency pairs on all time frames. While he uses standard technical indicators available on every trading platform out there, it is the combination of these indicators and the way he uses them that is unique. Samuel believes his system will work for serious minded-people and those who see Forex as an important part of their life and not just as a game. My trading system is basically my guide to success. This trading system of mine is nothing but a prosperity and wealth making trading system, without it and consistent discipline I can never be a profitable Forex trader. It is my map to success, and the heart of Forex business. In 2 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Samuel8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Samuel8217s system with other traders and mentorsThe exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains What led him to create his trading system What advice he would give to a new trader Position 2 - Fitzroy D Trading System Fully Disclosed 8220Fitzroy Turned 100.00 into 2 773.26 Profit In One Month8221 Fitzroy made 2,773.26 in one month. So far he has won both trading challenges he has entered with his unique trading system. He trades all currency pairs on the 4 hour and 1 hour time frames. His system is logical and precise. It uses standard technical indicators and a special custom indicator that you will learn how to use as well. Fitzroys system is proving to be quite consistent when applied properly and it has gained such a following amongst our community that a group of traders have created an Expert Advisor based on his system. Since I started trading 4 years ago, I have found it to be one of, if not THE most, exciting profession to be involved in. It is my ultimate desire, as I hone my skills, to become one of the best Forex traders in the world. In 2 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Fitzroy8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Fitzroy8217s system with other traders and mentorsThe exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains Where he gets his proprietary indicators (most traders have never heard of them) What HE thinks is really important in trading What advice he would give to a new trader Position 3 - Ahmad A Trading System Fully Disclosed 8220Ahmad Turned 3,000 into 69,233.69 In One Month8221 Ahmad made 2,307.78 in one month. As a Civil Engineer he is very analytical by nature. He has been trading for three years and became so obsessed with Forex trading that he almost lost his job. He spent every free hour he had testing and trying different settings for indicators before he came up with his system. He trades all currency pairs on a 4 hour and 15 minute chart. Although he uses regular indicators like RSI and CCI, he also uses unique custom indictors that he will disclose only to the few who become members of our inner circle. He also doesnt believe you should trade if you are not in the right frame of mind. Do not trade if you are not in the right frame of mind. I have found that if you are not in the right frame of mind when you trade it can often lead to disaster. In 2 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Ahmad8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Ahmad8217s system with other traders and mentorsThe exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains Where he gets his proprietary indicators (most traders have never heard of them) What HE thinks is really important in trading What advice he would give to a new trader Position 4 - Wasseem Z Trading System Fully Disclosed 8220Wasseem Turned 50.10 into 704.66 In One Month8221 Wasseem made 1,306.50 in one month. As an Electrical Engineer he does not have a lot of time to spend in front of his charts waiting for setups to occur, so his system is aimed at short and very short term trading. With only 6 months trading experience he has designed a system that can work on all time frames that uses NO indicators. The system depends on very basic market movement patterns such as Japanese Candlestick patterns, channel trend and Fibonacci levels. The system is terrific for beginners, especially because it uses no indicators. All you need to do is recognize a zigzag pattern, create an channel, and watch your account balance increasing. Ive been trading for six months now. Aiming to learn and create simple but yet professional trading systems. In 2 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Wasseem8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Wasseem8217s system with other traders and mentorsThe exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains Video examples of his trading system in action What advice he would give to a new trader Position 5 - Nurudeen U Trading System Fully Disclosed Nurudeen Made 11,207.77 Profit in One Month Nurudeen made 1,120.77 in one month. As an accountant he really understands figures. He took those same skills that he uses every day and applied them to the Forex market. He slowly and methodically researched and studied the market until he came up with the perfect system. He trades the Major Pairs GBPUSD (PoundDollar), EURUSD(EuroDollar), USDCHF(DollarSwiss Frank) and, USDJPY ( DollarYen). He uses a unique mixture of conventional indicators with Pivot Points that makes an effective way to trade the market. I took my time and searched the internet extensively for any information on Forex so that I could widen my knowledge base. In 3 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Nurudeen8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Nurudeen8217s system with other traders and mentors The exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains What aspects of trading he thinks are the most important What HE thinks is really important in trading The one deadly accurate chart pattern he uses The interview were he reveals all Position 6 - Udochi E Trading System Fully Disclosed Udochi Made 50,702.60 Profit in One Month Udochi is a Petroleum Engineer and is a firm believer that you must have the psychological aspect of trading under control. He trades only the GBPUSD using 4 hour, 1 hour, 15 minute, 5 minute and 1 minute charts. Pivot Points are one of his favorite tools and he uses them extensively along with his unique combination of traditional indicators. Udochis now legendary D8D3 system has been coded into an Expert Advisor and is currently being tweaked by the traders in our community. The EA is currently in version 4. I learnt that the universe does not favor the coward, greedy and stingy. I gave up the last traces of these unhelpful traits and thats the beginning of my ceaseless profitability in forex trading. In 3 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Udochi8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Udochi8217s system with other traders and mentors The exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains The one overlooked part of trading every one misses Why he trades as often as possible - very powerful What advice he would give to a new trader How he found his killer combination of indicators Position 7 - Obiliza M Trading System Fully Disclosed Obiliza Reported A Net Gain of 927.93 in One Month Working full-time as an Electrical chargeman doesn8217t leave Obiliza much time for trading but he still manages to find time after work. Obiliza trades any timeframe but concentrates on the 4 hour, 15 minute, 5 minute and 1 minute charts. He looks for the same set up on each time frame. He trades only the GBPUSD and one of the indicators he relies on is Bollinger Bands. I trade and study the Forex market after work, I hope to become a fulltime trader soon. In 3 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Obiliza8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Obiliza8217s system with other traders and mentors The exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains Why he only trades at certain times He reveals his own special Pivot Point calculation The underground support and resistance trick The significance of two very special moving averages Position 8 - Johan W Trading System Fully Disclosed 8220Johan Turned 100 000.00 into 406 199.73 Profit In One Month8221 After his attempts were met with mixed success, about a year ago Johan started working on a new method of trading, using all his experience gained through his 6 years of trading the markets. He developed an easy to understand, simple system with which he could constantly be profitable in the markets. Remarkably, Johans system uses just one technical indicator and a unique method of applying his stop losses and targets which is key to his success. I started 6 years ago when a friend introduced me to trading, ever since I have been trying many techniques and systems to be profitable in the Forex market. In 2 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Johan8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Johan8217s system with other traders and mentorsThe exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains What HE thinks is really important in trading What advice he would give to a new trader Position 9 - Mebs W Net Gain: 391.06 Time: One month Initial Deposit: 1 000.00 Net profit: 3 910.59 Trading System: SwingDay Trading Pairs Traded: Any pair Trading Experience: 10 Months Profession: Senior Commodity Tax Technician Trading System Fully Disclosed 8220Mebs Turned 1 000.00 into 3 910.59 Profit In One Month8221 Although Mebs has only been trading for about 10 months now, he has placed in the top 3 positions one 3 previous occasions. Mebs system has evolved over the course of these trading challenges as he is continuously looking to improve his methodology. His system relies heavily on good, old fashioned trendlines and support amp resistance lines. Bollinger Bands and the Stochastic Oscillator are recent additions to his arsenal that have given his system much better accuracy. Currency trading came to me 10 months ago and I have been reading lots of material on technical analysis while looking for work. I am very confident I have come up with setups that will have a HIGH PROBABILITY of giving winning trades 80 to 90 of the time. I am also confident I will at a point win the challenge. In 2 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Mebs8217 award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Mebs8217 system with other traders and mentorsThe exact steps he went through to produce his award winning system How he manages to finish in the top 3 in every challenge What HE thinks is really important in trading What advice he would give to a new trader Position 10 - Olga A Net Gain: 388.54 Time: One month Initial Deposit: 1 000.00 Net profit: 3 885.39 Trading System: SwingDay Trading Pairs Traded: Forex, EURUSD and GBPUSD Trading Experience: 3 Year Profession: Informational Analytics Trading System Fully Disclosed 8220Olga Turned 1 000.00 into 3 885.39 In One Month8221 Olga made 388.54 in one month. It took all of 5 years for her to finally understand the markets and adapt a trading strategy that was profitable. Her trading system comprises of several custom indicators that many traders are not even aware of. Her unique method relies on finding the exact reversal point of every swing. Olgas system works on the 1 hour and 15 minute time frames but can also be adapted to work on the 4 hour and 30 minute charts as well. Since joining our trading community, Olgas custom indicators have been given a make over by some of our more senior members. Olga was recently awarded our first scholarship award for her outstanding efforts in our forum where she has been helping other traders learn her system and tweak it for maximum efficiency. I started learning Forex trading in 2004. In 2006 I opened the first real account and tortured it for two years. It was well up and well down, and I have passed all the stages of the traders mind (seems there are ten of them). Now Im sure that our psychological state is really very important. If you can properly estimate your mind problems you will always know what to do and where to go. I have found that many of my everyday behavior patterns are revealed while trading. Unfortunately it took too long to understand it. But as soon as I did - everything changed immediately. If you are really fond of trading - never give up, it is always possible to find the reason for a failure and to go to the next step. In 2 months 1,000 would become 8230. A detailed explanation of Olga8217s award winning trading system Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum where you can discuss Olga8217s system with other traders and mentorsThe exact steps she went through to produce her award winning system How she manages to work full-time and still produce massive gains Where she gets her proprietary indicators (most traders have never heard of them) What SHE thinks is really important in trading What advice she would give to a new trader What You Get: To instantly copy their award winning systems A detailed look at the best trading systems in the world How to achieve head spinning results others can only dream of In-depth interviews with all of the winners The exact steps they went through to make their winning systems Explanations of how they manage to work full-time and still produce massive gains Where to get proprietary indicators most traders have never heard of The names of the currencies they trade What THEY think is really important to make it in trading What advice they would give to a new trader starting out Unrestricted access to a private inner circle forum - discuss all the winning systems Videos that teach you how to trade Access to the largest collection of trading techniques in the world You get to mix with real traders - not just guys who sell books Tried and tested trading systems and courses You get to listen to me interview the big guns A beginners section to help new traders You have a team of traders willing to help you How to quickly jumpstart your trading by cutting years off the learning curve Unconditional Priority email support Fresh new content every month As long as you are a member you will get to see all the winning systems from future challenges You8217ll Wonder Why You Thought Trading Was So Hard and Realize That Anyone Can Do it if they are Shown How. This is the stuff experienced traders would have killed for when they started out. It doesn8217t matter if you have never traded before in your life. There is just no reason to fail once you are a member of this elite group. Listen up, this information is not for the general public, it8217s far too valuable. You won8217t see this on any other website, because no one else has it. We had to put this in a secret underground Members area . Our Membership Area Is Just Like Area 51 Up until now the intense secrecy surrounding this underground membership site had made it difficult for outsiders to gain access. Only now has it been opened to the public for a limited time and only for a limited number of traders. All the secrets had to go somewhere and we put it all in an underground members area. The only way to get these systems is to become a member of our secret members group. Isso fica melhor. Right now, as you are reading this letter, some of the brightest minds in trading are competing to take away the throne of the winners, and you will get their winning systems as well. Heres what no one else can give you. those winning systems. The magic never stops in our members area. Every two months we add more verified award winning systems. Thats why more traders have success with us than any other resource in the world. We are the only place that can prove we have the real McCoy. Traders have been quietly and discreetly learning how to trade the markets for years. They just haven8217t told anyone until now. How often have you met someone who was smart enough to think outside the box and come up with a simple system that made 2,956.16 and was prepared to share it with you. 8220These Are Simply The Best Trading Systems In The World8221 This is not a course from some guy you never met and youre not sure if he is legit or not. These are all real traders with verified results. You are not relying on one source of information. These traders came from all over the world. You will learn that anyone can trade like they do. You don8217t even need to think. You just need to copy their systems. You Feel Different When You Trade With Confidence One of the reasons traders give up is because they just feel that they can8217t do it. Everything they try seems to lose money. How would it feel to trade a system that you knew for a fact had made 2,956.16 or 2773.22 or even 2307.78

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